It all started from off-roading in the pasture in Kansas City, riding the wheels off my Big Wheel and BMX Bike. That went on until THE DAY I got my first dirt bike, a 1979 Suzuki 100. If you can imagine it, a green metal tank, enduro rack on the back, I thought I was Malcolm Smith that day!
After the initial spark, things progressed to a few other dirt bikes. Then a “deadly” 3 wheeler, what fun!
Then came girls, gasoline, high school, 5.0 Mustangs and so on.
Off to College I went, and after a while, the Marine Corps called me to Yuma Arizona. This was just a stone throw from Glamis, where I promptly bought a Banshee and headed to Comp Hill
Sand Dunes were beyond fun but one day I saw a flyer (pre-Facebook), for an Arizona racing series called Whiplash. I remember pouring over the rule book in my Garage in Phoenix, getting the safety stuff right on my Raptor, and heading to Lake Pleasant for my first of many desert races. I raced whiplash for 3 years then took a job back East and temporarily shelved desert racing. In the meantime I went back to dirt bikes to weave between the Midwest trees. I finally landed on a stable of KTMs and did my best to master the orange pumpkin. Somewhere in there a couple of things happened. First, Dust to Glory came out, and secondly, the RZR 800 came out.
I first went to Baja on a quad, then an XR650R for a “fun runs”. All the while I was thinking, how can I race Baja? I pitted for my A rider dirt bike buddies at the 500 and 1000, but knew I didn’t have the speed/endurance to be competitive on a bike.
That is where the mystical, "rubber band powered", every day joe priced UTVs came in handy. I was done with quads and bikes for life... because how could you ever go back?! Between RZRs and Can Ams, Wildcats and Kawasakis, we've (almost) had 'em all. But as they, say it was never enough!
The top of the food chain was in sight, and with the backing of booming business, it was even closer. With our friends, the Redlines, moving into bigger and better things, we could too! We bought the Geiser Spec Trophy Truck you see today and our dreams became a reality.
